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Sunday, 17 August 2014

The GMOs Poison that NRM Caucus wants Ugandans to eat & drink: How they plan to destroy Uganda completely before they leave power

HOW NRM HAS SENTENCED UGANDANS TO DEATH USING GMOs / By Daily Monitor "NRM caucus backs GMOs" read more

400 organizations have petitioned  African Union parliament over GMOs Click for more here
  1. GMOs refers to ‘Genetically Modified Organisms’, which are artificial genes manufactured in laboratories and inserted into any body system (DNA) of plants, seeds, crops, animals, humans, marine organisms, etc. They are promoted by US based institutions.
  1. GMOs are artificial toxins that are harmful to plants, seeds, food, animals, herbal plants, humans, children, pregnant mothers, elderly, and all living things in Uganda and the entire mother Earth.
  1. GMOs all over the world are feared, have been totally refused in many countries such as Germany, Britain, Russia, Kenya, Zambia, to mention but a few. (See Case Stories below)
  1. Uganda cannot export GMO products such as banana, coffee, cotton, beans to Europe, Middle East, USA, etc yet to develop a country has to export more.
  1. GMO/Biosafety bill has been rushed and promoters want the bill to become a law so quickly, so as to protect their ‘selfish interests’ against the life of Ugandans.
6.    GMOs in Kenya were totally refused, even when they had passed the GMO/Biosafety law after 3 years.

  1. GMOs have been planted allover Uganda unknowingly, but are so toxic to human body, soil, plants, seeds, blood, stomach, etc. GMOs will make us depend on pesticides forever.
Example 1
BT Maize variety called MON810 was sneaked into Uganda through a royalty free donation by a little known charity called the Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) project started by Bill Gates. Monsanto donated MON810 to WEMA before they donated it to Uganda. This is the same variety that failed hopelessly in South Africa, even the farmers rejected it last year 2013. It contains two deadly toxins called Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab, with a mixture of Agent Orange chemical that was used as bio-weapon against Vietnamese. The promoters claim its drought tolerant, and they want it adopted into the drought resistant varieties Uganda has. Currently the Bt MON810 maize variety is under trial (both open and CFT  trials) in 6 sites around the country. One in Kyoga basin, 3 in Buganda region, 1 in Kabarole region and 1 in Ankole-Kigezi region.
  1. GMOs are not safe to eat and cause cancer, infertility in both men and women, destruction of sperms, nutritional deficiencies, hormone disruption, Obesity, Reproductive disorders, Birth defects, shorter life spans, loss of immunity, antibiotic resistance, digestive problems, disease outbreaks due to mutation, sluggishness, laziness, Endocrine disruption, Food Allergies, Emergency of super weeds and pest (which are even resistant to Round-up, a Monsato produced pesticide for tomatoes used even in Uganda); Decline and destruction of self sufficient farms; General economic harm to small holder farmers hence poverty and blame to government.
  1. GMOs patents are owned by USA companies such as Monsato, and if openly promoted in Uganda everybody will pay for them in terms of seed price, food price, pesticide price, herbicides price, the chain is endless.
  1. GMO can never cause increased farm production, and many Ugandan farmers cannot afford to buy seeds
  1. GMO companies want to sell the GMO seed, pesticides, herbicides without anyone else. They will only deal with distributors and traders.
  1. Whoever owns a SEED, owns FOOD, controls HUMAN BEINGS and owns the WORLD.
  1. GMO lead to contamination of the surrounding crops, animals, human beings, blood, brain, etc
  1. GMO will destroy local crops, wild animals, plants, crops such as indigenous bananas in Buganda such as MUVUMBO, NAKITEBE, BWANZIRUME,
  1. GMO technology is so expensive for Uganda, and GMOs are not a national priority.

16. GMOs have never ended poverty, instead they increase enslavement, neo-colonialism and loss of human security and national independence.

  1. When Zambia refused GMO food (maize corn), USA GMO promoters abused Zambians, that “Beggars can’t be choosers”.
18. GMO promoters in Uganda do not tell people the various BAD effects of GMOs, which are so many to count. They only say the GOOD things which are not more than 5. These are that GMO increase food, reduce poverty, improve nutrition, improve health, and increase income. When asked about BAD effects, they shy away and only invite scientists who support GMO to make presentations.

There are many factors why we don’t support this bill / law at all. If Parliament passes the bill, there will be overwhelming political consequences associated with hatred and blame to all political leaders, irrespective of political party.

Cases stories on GMO bans and anti legislations

March 2014

South Africa
GMO maize trials failed hopelessly as a result of massive insect resistance, after only 15 years of its introduction into commercial agriculture.

Monsanto had to compensate South African farmers. MON810 has now collapsed in South Africa and has been replaced with Monsanto’s GM stacked variety called MON8903, which contains toxic cry proteins, Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab. I don’t know why they call it CRY.

MON810 was donated to Uganda by WEMA (Water Efficient Maize for Africa)

Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) of South Africa ordered Monsanto to immediately withdraw an unsubstantiated radio ad on the benefits of crops containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs), Ads played by Radio 702

Several protests have sprung up across South Africa that question the safety of GMO foods and crops.
Monsanto has already been warned by the ASA as far back as 2007.
March 2014
Bans GMO Bt maize in February 2008

France’s agriculture ministry banned the sale, use and cultivation GMOs including Monsanto’s MON 810[1] genetically engineered (GE) corn—the only variety that has been authorized in the European Union (EU).

MON810 has been sneaked in Uganda (See Map of Africa)
Sri Lanka[ii]
Banned the importation of GMO foods, preservatives and additives.
Banned on glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s top-selling herbicide Roundup, due to its chemically mysterious kidney disease that has killed scores of agricultural workers country wide
Austria and Hungary[iii]
Have banned growing any genetically modified crops

Banned GMO seeds trade, made it impossible to register GMO crop which in consequence blocked GMO cultivation. It also opposes cultivation of genetically modified foods
Banned GMOs
Ireland is going ban growing of GM crops, foods such as meat, poultry, eggs, fish, crustaceans, and dairy
Bans GMOs, move backed by Marlyse Dormond, a Socialist member of Parliament - Radio Suisse Romande.
Greece has extended a ban on a strain of GMO corn produced by U.S Monsanto for another two years
The four regions Tuscany, Molise, Lazio and Marche and around 25 provinces, cities and communes banned GE crops, including Rome, Milan, Turin, Brescia and Genoa.
Bans GMOs
Passed the Anti-GMO bill
Banned GMOs. President Putin called promoters terrorists.  The law calls it a criminal case sanctioned to 15 year and above. Bill moved by Kirill Chermonov
Banned GMOs and closed all CFT and demonstrations. Hon. Minister of Health Beth Mugo announced the ban 2012

Monsanto’s GM sweet potatoes were banned by government which stated that they were no longer tolerant to pest (as claimed before).

Has stopped discussions on GMO because of lack of clarity 
GMO legislation failed due to public protest.
Banned GMO foods, seeds and the country’s President called them ‘POISON’ and rejected GMO maize donations.

Hundreds of GMO genes from Monsato have been sneaked into the country under proxies of NGO projects, studies, etc Namulonge is the case story. Now want to quickly pass the law.

A lot of deceptive ways of promoting GMOs targeting scientist, government officials, journalists, universities, traders, MPs, etc

All are unaware about the BAD and GRAVIOUS harm of GMO/Biosafety legislations, and the political blame involved that could even harm Cabinet and The President of Uganda

A re-known Uganda scientist Dr. Olupot from MUK-college of agriculture once said that:
“GMO scientists in Uganda have been ‘coached’ and ‘groomed’ by Monsato to deceive Ugandans”. If a person deceives the entire country over a life threatening issue, isn’t that treason?  

Study By Dr. Leonard Hardell & Erickson Mikact shows that Round-up causes cancer
Note: Roundup is used in Uganda
Banned Bt Maize, a similar specie that was sneaked in Uganda under WEMA Project funded by Bill Gates
Banned GMO rapeseeds, banned planting of Bt Maize called MON810, a gene that was sneaked in Uganda under WEMA Project funded by Bill Gates
Banned Bt maize
Banned GMO maize (AgroEvo HR Rapeseed), and GMO crop trials
House of commons does not allow selling and eating of GM food in its catering
Church of England banned planting GMOs on her 60,000 ha of land
Banned GMO trials, has only had just 2 trials since 1991/1992
Banned GMO crop growing and trials
New Zealand
Gov’t blocked GMO trials esp. Salmon
Banned imports of GMOs
Saudi Arabia
Banned GMO foods, imports of wheat
Banned imports of GMO, planting, distributing

Planting GMO is prohibited by law

The President linked GMOs to stimulate appetite for Homosexuality.

Victoria Jackson says GMO lead to homosexuality

GMO crops banned
 Intends to join six other European Union members in banning the only genetically modified crop approved for use in the bloc, its environment minister said on Thursday, in a fresh blow to the biotechnology industry.

Banned GMO food in California, Colorado, Vermont, Boulder, New York, Massachusetts

Study Use of Round-Up (Glyphosate) (Also used on GMO and other crops esp. Uganda) results in reproductive damage as well as damage to the kidney and liver, and some studies show a link between the chemical and cancer (By Women’s Cancer Resource Center (WCRC) and CHOSE (Coalition for a Healthy Oakland School Environment-USA)

As ANTI-GMO ACTIVISTS led by Uganda Youth Platform, we want the Parliament of Uganda to do the following:

1)   To totally withdraw, drop, archive or store the proposal to pass the GMO/BIO-SAFETY BILL.
2)   To educate and sensitize people about the GOOD and BAD of GMOs in all the 115 districts of Uganda, and involve Religious, cultural, farmers, youth fraternities.

3)   To STOP any GMO related research, demonstration or trials in Uganda for the time being, and investigate Uganda National Genetic Resource Bank-Entebbe, NARO-Kawanda, Ugandan National Council of Science and Technology, Uganda Biotechnology Biosafety Consortium, several companies and organizations engaged in agriculture, seeds, pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals.

4)   The Cabinet and President to undertake a detailed inquiry into the GMO matters to deeply understand and measure the magnitude of GMO in the country, and endorse total ban of GMOs in the country including supermarkets.

5)   To SHUT DOWN all GMO related experiments, field trials, GMO genetic resource banks, and BAN importation of all GMO products.



Uganda Youth Platform
Youth In Agriculture Network
Ugandan Pan Africanists
Uganda Sustainable Agriculture Support Organization

BT Maize variety called MON810 was introduced to Uganda through a royalty free donation by a little known charity called the Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) project started by Bill Gates. Monsanto donated MON810 to WEMA before they donated it to Uganda. This is the same variety that failed hopelessly in South Africa, even the farmers rejected it last year 2013. It contains two deadly toxins called Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab, with a mixture of Agent Orange chemical that was used as bio-weapon against Vietnamese. The promoters claim its drought tolerant, and they want it adopted into the drought resistant varieties Uganda has.

[i] WT.tsrc=Social%20Media&WT.z_smid=twtr-reuters_%20com&WT.z_smid_dest=Twitter 

1 comment:

  1. If GMOs were that safe, then why is it that US government after about 20 years has now concluded that they are not and "Starting January 2016, genetically modified crops will be banned from all USA federal wildlife refuges on 150 Million Acres (60.7 Million Hectares equivalent to about 2/3 of all total the land in Developing countries with GMO farming)?

    It is not only on Federal Land, U.S. regulators for the first time are proposing limits on the planting of some genetically engineered corn on private land:

    Even more, see how much harm has been caused by GM Agriculture: (I hope there is no need to emphasis the value of bees in Agriculture.)

    Across the world, every developed country thas has tried GMOs way before Uganda is waking up to the reality of GMO Agricultural Facts -

    About safety, just like Greedy Corporations using Doctors, told everybody that Cigarette Smoking was healthy and only to find out years later that the reverse was true, the same case has been going on with GMOs, now check out current studies as of March 20. 2015 conducted by World Health Organization -"Label Glyphosate Probable Carcinogen";

    "While supporters of GMO crops argue that GMOs are essential to feeding a growing world population, the truth is that in the United States (the world’s foremost GMO producer and consumer) and in other major GMO producing countries, an overwhelming majority of the GMO crop is not even consumed directly by humans."

    My questions: (1). Why are you happy to see Ugandans getting their main nutrition source from GM food like the animals of the developed nations?

    Remember, one doesn't have to be a biotechnologist to wonder why GM food is off the menu in Parliament's restaurants despite ministers telling the public to drop their opposition, if it were that safe for human consumption!

    Read more:

    Question (2). Do you think, if GM Agriculture were as safe for the environment as you claim, then US would be banning genetically modified crops from all USA federal wildlife refuges, starting January 2016, and at the same time, U.S. regulators for the first time proposing limits on the planting of some genetically engineered corn on private land?

    What you should be telling Uganda MPs and all Ugandans is the truth, that U.S. government has found out the hard way and finally admitted that you can't be both environmentally friendly and have GM Agriculture at the same time. And that after almost US's 20 years of GM Agriculture, majority of Americans would rather have GMO products labeled so that they can avoid them.

    Note again: Only animals in US get their main nutrition from GM food, just like any other developed country's Animals. Could it be that it is because GM food safety was done only on animals, and never on human beings?
