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Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Free Uganda Statement on the denial of bail to General David Sejusa by the General Court Martial.

General Sejusa is a Prisoner of Conscious, and his spirit of Defiance will fuel the Struggle for the Liberation of Uganda. 

That the General Court Martial could so blatantly skew the law in order to satisfy the politically motivated and self-fulfilling designs of one man is not only utterly illegal to the core.

Free Uganda condemns, in the strongest terms possible, the unjust way in which General Sejusa is being treated by the General Court Martial, which, effectively, is a Museveni-run Kangaroo Court.

From the very onset, General Sejusa had prognosed that he was not going to be given bail by the General Court Martial, given the over-arching influence exercised by the Ugandan dictator Yoweri Museveni on the decisions made in this court.
If Museveni wants you to be free, you go free.
If he wishes you to stay in his dungeons, so it will be.

Free Uganda is convinced beyond doubt that General Sejusa is a Prisoner of Conscious.The Museveni regime is persecuting General Sejusa because of his pronouncements against the gross violations of the Constitutional rights of Ugandan citizens.

General Sejusa is also being punished for his publicly-declared support for the People's Struggle for Political Democratization of Uganda.

As a patriotic citizen, General Sejusa has every right to express himself on any political issue of concern to Ugandan people.

Free Uganda deplores and condemns the erroneous view that Sejusa cannot engage in politics or air critical views about the sad state of affairs in Uganda today.

It is not General Sejusa who is responsible for the illegalities surrounding his discharge from the military.On his part, he applied for retirement and fulfilled all the constitutional provisions underpinning the Army laws and regulations.

It is incredulous that Museveni, in what is clearly a politically motivated decision, has ordered Gen. KatumbaWamala, the Chief of Defense Forces(CDF) not to sign Gen Sejusa’s retirement papers, after he, Museveni,personally assured Sejusa that he was going to be retired from the army.

Free Uganda agrees with General Sejusa's legal team, in their assertion that General Sejusa has the right to act and live his life as a 'retired' military officer.

It is Museveni and some of his colluding military officials, and not General Sejusa, who have errored in Law. It is Museveni who has defiled the tenants of natural justice and the established constitutional provisions and order.

It is the great belief of General Sejusa that the High Court of Uganda which is considering a case brought by his lawyers, will soon rule in his favour. This, according to Sejusa’s legal team, will humiliate and shamw the General Court Martial, which has acted and continues to act as Museveni's personal mouthpiece, rather than an institution meant to dispense justice to the people of Uganda.

This, therefore, is the unequivocal demand by Free Uganda to Mr. Museveni:

You must release General Sejusa unconditionally and without delay;

You must release the many youths, who were arrested for protesting the continued detention of General Sejusa;

You must release all political prisoners, who are rotting in your dungeons;

You must release the young military men, who are in incarceration on tramped up charges that bear no truths or facts.

Mr Museveni, you stand to surfer the wrath of the People of Uganda, for all these injustices committed so wantonly against innocent citizens.

Free Uganda is seriously considering a number of options,going forward.

It is not our intention at this time to publicize our intended course of action, but let it be known that all options are on the table.

And also, may it be known by Museveni that this action pledge by Free Uganda is not in isolation, nor is it exclusively limited to the emancipationfrom captivity of General David Sejusa, the Free Uganda Chairman.

The Free Uganda pledge is in unison with the wider aspirations of all the People of Uganda to free themselves from decades-long servitude and repression.

Just as General Sejusa needs his freedom, the entire population of Uganda seeks to be free to live a new life of freedom, peace and social justice - things that can't happen in the absence of a democratic dispensation and the attendant good governance by those tasked to run the nation.

By the look of it, the singular most important obstacle to that New Uganda is this one man called Yoweri Museveni.

It is a matter of priority for the Ugandan People to address this Museveni question sooner, rather than later.

God Bless the People’s journey to the Promised Land.

[Issued, on behalf of Free Uganda, by Dr. Vincent Magombe, Secretary Free Uganda Leadership Committee and Press Secretary FU - 09/02/2016]

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